Marijuana Complaint Form

This form is only for marijuana complaints only.

For other code enforcement issues please fill out our standard code enforcement complaint form.

Disclaimer: Code enforcement will only be able to act on production related marijuana complaints from an anonymous source. Contact information must be provided to act on non-production related marijuana complaints. However, staff may document other non-marijuana code violations on a property during their inspection. The exception to this is when conditions present an imminent threat to public health or safety.


Code Enforcement will not be able to provide you case updates.

Please enter Address or Tax Lot Number where a possible marijuana grow is happening.
Is the grow out in the open or in a building? *
Please choose all that apply.
Please describe location or building. Examples: "I cannot see any plants." or "Large approximately 20X20 greenhouse to the left of main house." or "Plants growing in an attached garage." or "Plants appear to be out in the open growing between pine trees at the SW corner of property." Etc..
Please provide your best guess. If plants are not visible, feel free to enter "Plants are not visible." Etc..
Provide your best estimation of start time. Example: "I think it began in April of 2016."
Any hazardous or dangerous conditions? *
Do you think the property might have hazardous or dangerous conditions?
If Yes to the question above, please describe the conditions.
Other potential code enforcement issues?
Do you think there is other code enforcement issues on the property?
Feel free to talk more about this Marijuana Complaint.
Note: Code Enforcement will not be able to provide case updates when complaints are submitted anonymously.
Note: Code Enforcement will not be able to provide case updates when complaints are submitted anonymously.
Are you willing to testify in court? *
If requested by the County, are you willing to testify in court?