Deschutes County Public Records Requests

Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 192 allows citizens to request public records from Deschutes County and requires that we acknowledge the request within five business days.

To request records that are NOT related to Divorce, Custody, or Convictions, please use the Public Records Request form. For Divorce, Custody, or Conviction records contact Circuit Court 

  • County staff will contact you regarding the request and will provide a cost estimate before searching for and producing records if the request is expected to cost more than $25.00. The County is allowed to charge reasonable costs for producing public records under Oregon law. Fees for public records requests are outlined in the County’s Fee Schedule.
  • Citizens also may contact the below-listed County departments directly in writing with public records requests. Listed below are the Records Recipients for the select County departments and their contact information. If a County department is not listed below, then all public records requests for that department shall be submitted through the Public Records Request form.





Clerk’s Office

Steve Dennison

(541) 388-6549

Community Development

Sherri Pinner

(541) 385-1712

Sheriff's Office  
District Attorney's Office  
  • A records request that is not submitted in writing through the County’s Public Records Request form on this website or to one of the above-listed Records Recipients shall not constitute a public records request submitted pursuant to County policy and thus the statutory response period required by the County shall not be initiated. County at its sole discretion can choose to respond to public records requests that do not comply with the County’s policy relating to submittal.  
  • Some records may be exempt from disclosure under Oregon law; accordingly, those records determined to be exempt by County Legal Counsel will not be produced.