Candidate Filing Information and Forms

Important dates for the May 21, 2024 Primary Election

  • 09/14/23    First day for candidate to file for office
  • 03/12/24    Last day for candidate to file for office
  • 03/14/24    Last day for candidate’s statement to be filed for inclusion in voters’ pamphlet
  • 03/25/24    Last day for candidate’s statement to be filed for inclusion in voters’ pamphlet (if the candidate files candidacy with governing body other than county clerk)


County candidate requirements, political signage information and more can be found in the Supporting Documents section below. 

Candidate Filing Forms

You may complete the forms on your computer by tabbing through the fields and typing the appropriate information.  After completing the form, print and sign it before submitting it, with payment if required, to the elections office by the filing deadline. These forms are also available at the Deschutes County Clerk's office, 1300 NW Wall Street, Ste 202, Bend, OR  97703.

Precinct Committee Person Filing Information and Forms

It is the responsibility of the candidate to make sure they file in the correct precinct.

Any candidate who files a declaration of candidacy or write-in declaration (or any person who files a write-in nomination) before redistricting has been completed should contact the county elections office before the filing deadline to verify that they are a candidate in the correct precinct. If the candidate will not qualify in the redrawn precinct the original filing will need to be withdrawn and a new filing submitted in the correct precinct.

Voters' Pamphlet Filing Forms

Campaign Finance

All candidate committees and political committees are required to file campaign finance information electronically with the Oregon Secretary of State's Elections Division, Campaign Finance.

There are no longer scheduled reporting deadlines. Committees continuously report campaign finance transactions. The filing of all transactions is done via the internet using the Elections Division's ORESTAR campaign finance reporting system.

If you have questions regarding where and how to start on your campaign finance reporting, refer to the Secretary of State's Campaign Finance Transparency & Education page. You may also contact the Oregon Secretary of State's Elections Division at (503) 958-1518.