DC Auditor Provides Recommendations to Improve Operations

Yesterday in their morning Business Meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved a proclamation establishing May as International Internal Audit Awareness Month in the County. Deschutes County has had an internal audit program since 2002. Internal auditing provides independent, objective, assurance and consulting activities designed to add value and improve the County’s operations.

Internal auditors strive to provide management and policy makers with independent and professional recommendations on any number of topics. Internal auditing is a vital part of strengthening organizations and protecting public and private stakeholders, and helps identify and manage the organization’s risks. Internal auditors ensure that policies, procedures, and controls are in place and are working appropriately.

Since hiring a Deschutes County Internal Auditor, there have been approximately 65 completed audit projects (approximately 4-5 per year).  Each performance audit has been tailored to cover specific objectives focusing on a specific area, in a single department (such as cash handling controls) to areas across all County departments (such as retention, access and storage of electronic communications).

Recent County performance audits have focused on software implementation, electronic records, and currently in progress-a fleet management audit.  Each audit is commented on by management and internal audit helps support departments as they address recommendations through a formal follow-up program. This ensures that recommendations are addressed and solutions are found.

“I am currently in the process of identifying and developing ideas for the next two years of internal audit projects. This is accomplished through risk assessment and departmental, management and Board input. The County’s nine member audit committee will review and vet the project list,” the County’s Internal Auditor David Givans reported yesterday to the Board of County Commissioners.

“I think we have a lot to be proud of. Our internal audit program has been successfully peer-reviewed four times. We follow professional standards, and work with management to make change,” Givans said.

For more information about the Deschutes County Internal Audit process or position, please visit www.deschutes.org/administration/page/county-internal-auditor, or contact Internal Auditor David Givans at (541) 330-4674, or send email to David.Givans@Deschutes.org .

News Release Issued: May 14, 2015