Prominent Projects and Resources
Find out how to engage more on projects such as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) , Wildlife Inventory Update, Wildfire in Deschutes County and much more!
In 2013, Deschutes County adopted the Newberry Country Plan as an appendix to the County's Comprehensive Plan. Defined roughly as the area of Deschutes County south of Lava Butte to the County line, this plan provides area specific goal and policy guidance for growth and development over a 20-year period.
Click on the pdf on the bottom of the page to view the Newberry Country Plan in its entirety.
Extensive field research and study has shown that the groundwater underlying south Deschutes County is threatened by continued use of traditional onsite wastewater treatment systems (standard, pressure distribution and sand filter systems). In addition, the La Pine National Demonstration Project showed that new types of onsite systems can protect the groundwater in a manner that meets the adopted Comprehensive Plan goals for Regional Problem Solving for South Deschutes County.
Housing is consistently identified by Deschutes County residents as an issue of concern. What does this actually mean, however? Is it the cost, availability, quality, location, or some combination of these factors?
The Board of County Commissioners has continually expressed interest in examining housing issues in Deschutes County. Staff recognizes that this is an opportune time to place a housing strategies project in the Planning Division work plan and to seek Board direction concerning the scope.
Deschutes County is considering changes to help reduce the risk of wildfire. Specifically, changes to building codes and land use regulations are being considered to better protect our communities from wildfire. The potential regulations would only apply in the rural county outside of city limits. The two measures the County is considering include the use of fire-resistant building materials for new rural residential construction and requiring Defensible Space standards for all rural properties.
The Board of County Commissioners appointed the Wildfire Mitigation Advisory Committee (WMAC) in September 2019 to undertake the following objectives:
In 2015, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) adopted OAR 660-23-0115, establishing protections for Greater Sage-Grouse in seven eastern Oregon counties including Deschutes County. To avoid listing the species as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, LCDC created regulations for large-scale development in mapped habitat areas. Deschutes County is required by state law to administer these regulations.