247-22-000436-ZC, 247-22-000443-PA; Destiny Court Properties, LLC - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zone Change, & PUD

Location Map Destiny Court LLC PA/ZC

Proposal Summary

The Applicant’s requests include:

  1. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of Tax Lot 100 from Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA);
  2. A Zone Change to rezone Tax Lot 100 from Exclusive Farm Use – Tumalo/Redmond/Bend subzone (EFU-TRB) to Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA-10); 
  3. A Conditional Use request and Tentative Plan review for a 14-Lot Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD); and
  4. Modifications of Applications to incorporate a Property Line Adjustment.


Property 1: 19975 DESTINY CT, BEND, OR 97703 / Map and Taxlot: 1712070000100
Property 2: 19995 DESTINY CT, BEND, OR 97703 / Map and Taxlot: 171208B006201

Proposal Status

The County will be reviewing the applications separately as described below:

  1. The County will review the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change request.
  2. The County will review the Conditional Use request and Tentative Plan for a 14-Lot Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD). Note: A separate website will be set-up for this review.

The first public hearing for the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change request was held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. A recording of the hearing can be viewed here. On April 26, 2024, the Hearings Officer recommended approval of the Plan Amendment and Zone Change request. A second hearing before the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") was held on July 24, 2024 and the Board voted 2-1 to approve the applicant's request on October 9, 2024. Board adoption of the required Ordinance is expected at the end of 2024.

Staff Contact

Anthony Raguine, Principal Planner
Email: anthony.raguine@deschutes.org
Phone: (541) 617-4739