247-22-000555-V, ODOT Noise Variance

Location Map

Proposal Summary

 A request by Oregon Department of Transportation Region 4 for a nighttime (10 p.m. – 7 a.m.) noise variance to allow nighttime geotechnical drilling for proposed interchange retaining walls. The nighttime work is expected to take approximately four days and will begin on September 19, 2022 and be completed by September 23, 2022.


No assigned address, but identified on County Assessor’s Maps 14-13-16 on US 97 between milepost (MP) 115.3 to MP 115.6.

Proposal Status

A public hearing is scheduled for the Board of County Commissioners on August 24, 2022 (hearing time to be determined). If you wish to provide testimony during the public hearing, please contact the staff planner by 4pm on August 23, 2022.

Staff Contact

Rachel Vickers, Associate Planner
(541) 388-6504