247-22-000246-DR, Declaratory Ruling for Initiation of Use of Guest Ranch

22-246-DR Location Map

Proposal Summary

Declaratory Ruling to determine whether the guest ranch approved under file no. CU-01-120 has been initiated.


The guest ranch previously approved under file no. CU-01-120 has a multiple situs address with one of the properties being the primary:

  1. Primary: 71017 Indian Ford Rd, Sisters, OR 97759
  2. 70975 Indian Ford Rd, Sisters, OR 97759
  3. 70994 Indian Ford Rd, Sisters, OR 97759
  4. 70998 Indian Ford Rd, Sisters, OR 97759
  5. 71005 Indian Ford Rd, Sisters, OR 97759

Proposal Status

The Land Use Board of Appeals remanded the Hearings Officer decision on February 3rd, 2023 for land use file no. 247-22-000246-DR.

The Oregon Court of Appeals found that the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) remand on land use file no. 247-22-000246-DR was unlawful in substance and they reversed it on June 14, 2023. Therefore approving the Guest Ranch use on the subject property.

Staff Contact

Staff Contact: Avery Johnson, Assistant Planner
Email: avery.johnson@deschutes.org
Phone: (541) 385-1704