247-21-000862-TA : Text Amendments to clarify existing standards and procedural requirements, incorporate changes to state and federal law, and to correct errors found in various

Proposal Summary

The Planning Division determined minor changes were necessary to clarify existing standards and procedural requirements, incorporate changes to state and federal law, and correct errors found in various sections of the Deschutes County Code (DCC). The Planning Division regularly amends Deschutes County Code and the Comprehensive Plan to correct minor errors identified by staff, other County departments, and the public. This process, commonly referred to as “housekeeping,” also incorporates updates from rulemaking at the state level through amendments to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), and allows for less substantive code changes to continue efficient County operations. The last time Deschutes County adopted housekeeping amendments occurred in July 2020. 

Proposal Status

The Board of County Commissioners will consider hearing the appeal for this proposal on December 15, 2021.

Staff Contact
Kyle Collins, Associate Planner
Email:  Kyle.Collins@deschutes.org
Phone:  (541) 3853-4427



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