Public Health 101

What is Public Health? 

Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play. Learn more from the American Public Health Association

A Tale of Two Zip Codes

Watch the video here. When it comes to our health, our zip code matters more than our genetic code. For many communities across the United States, easy access to healthy food options, parks for exercise, and good schools determines quality & length of life.

What is Public Health Modernization? 

Oregon’s governmental public health system is changing how it prevents disease and protects and promotes health. A modern public health system ensures critical public health protections are in place for every person in Oregon, that the public health system is prepared and has the right resources to address emerging health threats, and that the public health system is engaged daily to eliminate health disparities. Learn more here.

Examples of Public Health Work in Deschutes County

  • Learn more about our Immunization program here.
  • Our Environmental Healh program offers information for the general public and business owners here.
  • We are a part of the Central Oregon Suicide Prevention Allinace, you can view the website here