Invitation to Bid for supplying and hauling crushed, pre-coated rock for chip seal
Sealed bids will be received at the Deschutes County Road Department, 61150 SE 27th Street, Bend,
Oregon,97702, until but not after, 2:00 p.m. on March 1, 2016 at which time and place all bids for the
above-entitled public works project will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The contract calls for supplying and hauling 19,800 tons of 3/8” - #8 asphalt coated crushed chip seal
rock to specified stockpiles in the Terrebonne, Redmond, Tumalo, Sisters, Bend, Brothers and La Pine
areas of Deschutes County and stockpile sites #1 and #2 in Crook County; 2,600 ton of ½-1/4” asphalt
coated crushed chip seal rock to specified stockpile sites in the Brothers, Bend and Sunriver area and
2,850 tons of ¼” - #10 asphalt coated crushed chip seal rock to specified stockpile sites in the
Redmond, Bend, Tumalo and La Pine areas. Specifications and other bid documents may be inspected
and obtained at the Deschutes County Road Department, 61150 S.E. 27th Street, Bend, Oregon
97702 or the Deschutes County website, Inquiries pertaining to these specifications
shall be directed to Tom Shamberger, Operations Manager, telephone (541) 322-7120. Bids shall be
made on the forms furnished by the County, incorporating all contract documents, addressed and mailed
or delivered to Chris Doty, Road Department Director, 61150 SE 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97702 in a
sealed envelope plainly marked “BID FOR CRUSHED, PRE-COATED ROCK FOR CHIP SEAL
2016” and the name and address of the bidder.