Clone of Emergency Information

Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Services, in cooperation with our public safety partners, created this page to provide timely and accurate emergency information for our residents and visitors.  Deschutes County is subject to a number of natural and manmade hazards.  We encourage the public to be prepared for emergencies by having a kit, making a plan, and staying informed.

The Central Oregon area (Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson Counties) has adopted the following evacuation levels.  Please refer to the following descriptions and utilize the below links for information on ongoing emergency situations.

Evacuation Levels

Level 1: Means “BE READY“ for potential evacuation. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information. This is the time for preparation and precautionary movements of persons with special needs, mobile property and (under certain circumstances) pets and livestock. If conditions worsen, emergency services personnel may contact you via an emergency notification system.

Level 2: Means “BE SET” to evacuate. You must prepare to leave at a moment’s notice. This level indicates there is significant danger to your area, and residents should either voluntary relocate to a shelter or with family and friends outside of the affected area, or if choosing to remain, to be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice. Residents MAY have time to gather necessary items, but doing so is at their own risk. This may be the only notice you receive. Emergency services cannot guarantee that they will be able to notify you if conditions rapidly deteriorate. Area media services will be asked to broadcast periodic updates.

Level 3: Means “GO” evacuate now. Leave immediately! Danger to your area is current or imminent, and you should evacuation immediately. If you choose to ignore this advisement, you must understand that emergency services may not be available to assist you further. DO NOT delay leaving to gather any belongings or make efforts to protect your home. This will be the last notice you receive.

Additional Resources

Deschutes County Emergency Information Blog

Central Oregon Fire Information Blog

USFS Prescribed Fire Map for Central Oregon

Project Wildfire Evacuation Information

Red Cross Emergency Preparedness Information