Meetings Header Text
Information about upcoming meetings and hearings is available on this page. Meeting and hearing agendas include instructions about how to access the meetings online or by phone via Zoom, and how to participate in any public forums or public hearings.
Board of Commissioners Meetings: Residents can provide in-person comments during the Citizen Input portion of an agenda (typically Wednesday) for any topic that is not scheduled for the agenda. Comment can also be provided by: emailing to, or by leaving a brief voicemail at (541) 385-1734. Citizen Input is included in the meeting record for any topic that is not on the current agenda, and must be received by noon on Tuesday to be included in the meeting record.
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See below for the meeting agendas.
Upcoming and Past Meetings
Scroll down to see meeting materials for upcoming meetings and to access materials from archived meetings. Meetings are arranged by date. Video recordings of previous meetings are available in the Past Meetings tab. You can search the archives by typing keywords into the search box. To access a calendar of external meetings that one or more commissioners may attend, please click here.
For meetings that occurred 2021 and prior, click here.