CANCELED due to weather - Site Visit - Lower Bridge Road Proposed Planned Unit Development

Calendar Date:
Friday, January 15, 2016 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Site visit to Lower Bridge Road Proposed Planned Unit Development - estimated arrival 11 a.m.

Participants are Community Development staff and the Board of Commissioners.  The public is invited to attend, but the Commissioners will not be able to receive testimony or participate in conversations with anyone other than staff during this visit.

Please note that if it is snowing hard at the time of the planned visit, or if the ground is covered with so much snow as to prevent getting around at the site or seeing what needs to be seen, it will be canceled or rescheduled.  Check with Planning at 541-385-1708 before going to the site!

Check with Will Groves in Planning regarding future plans for the Commissioners to visit the site - phone 541 388 6518 or e-mail