Meeting Format CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 00:02:28 CITIZEN INPUT - 00:03:00 CONSENT AGENDA - 00:05:30 BOARD ORDER NO. 2022-047: Directors Designees Consideration of Board Signature on letters appointing Bill Gregarious, Jamie Donahue and Troy Rayburn for service on the Deschutes County Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee. Consideration of Board Signature on letters extending appointments of Andrea Breault, Ken Thorp, Jonathon Bullock, Iman Simmons, Zachary Bass, Andrew Davis, Dan Youmans, Casey Bergh, Jennifer Glover and Matthew Schmitz for service on the Deschutes County Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee. Consideration of Board Signature on Letters of Thanks to Sintha Townsend, Kelsey Rook, Paul Bertanga, Walter McCoin and Derek Hofbauer for service on the Deschutes County Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee. Consideration of Board Signature on Letters of Thanks to Tyler Deke, Bill Gregarious, Michelle Furman, Jamie Donahue and Peter Russell for service on the Deschutes County Special Transportation Fund (STF) Advisory Committee. Approval of Minutes of the August 22, 2022 BOCC Meeting Approval of Minutes of the August 24, 2022 BOCC Meeting ACTION ITEMS National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month - 00:06:30 Public Hearing: LBNW LLC Plan Amendment and Zone Change Consideration of Board approval and Chair Signature of document #2022-741, a CJC IMPACTS grant Consideration of COHC IMPACTS grant award acceptance Consideration of Board Authorization for Purchase of Caterpillar 950 Loader Secure Rural Schools (SRS) allocation elections between Titles I, II and III ARPA Grant Status Update: ReVillage Childcare Expansion Senate Bill (SB) 762 – Wildfire Adapted Communities Recommendations Report SS4A Grant Application Consideration of Board Approval to Apply for VAWA Grant Funding LUNCH RECESS OTHER ITEMS EXECUTIVE SESSION Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(e) - Real Property Negotiations Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(e) - Real Property Negotiations ADJOURN